Settling Into God’s Rest


Hebrews 4 promises that we can all enter into God’s rest. In fact, this passage of Scripture indicates that if we are not able to find our rest in God, we should be alarmed! Regardless of our circumstances, burdens, or weaknesses, we who love God can find fortitude, security, and peace in Him. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light (Mat. 11:29-30).

Sometimes this feels harder than it should. I have been finding a new level of rest in God in these past few weeks, where I previously had not fully realized my own resistance to truly resting in Him with my physical health and healing.

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes about five years ago, and have been looking forward to God healing me ever since. He has personally spoken to me regarding my healing–plus, it is in God’s nature to heal–and so I have been eagerly anticipating this gift. My hope in Him has been healthy, but in my active expectation I realized I had not settled into His rest.

In the past several months I came to a place of faith of deciding that I can believe God’s word, and not worry about the details. I do not need to know how or when He will heal me, but can live peacefully in Him in the meantime and be pleasantly surprised when it happens. In the past few weeks, I prayerfully came to a new level of understanding what and how this rest will look for me in my current situation, and for this season of my life. Namely, I have finally purchased an insulin pump and continuous glucose meter! I had been resisting this, even though I knew it could help me function better day-to-day, because it was emotionally too difficult for me to accept and settle into my illness. Ironically, my health has been more dis-eased in the meantime, and probably has been an over-emphasized part of my life because I have had to deal with daily challenges.

So, I am settling in! I am accepting my circumstances! And I am choosing to enjoy God in this resting season! His rest is for you too; regardless of your personal obstacles!
