Review of Take Back the Land: Inspiring a New Generation to Lead America by Rick Boyer


Genre: Juvenile/Christian Life/History & Politics

Not Recommended.

This is a book for young adults–specifically Christian homeschoolers–to encourage them to take on adult responsibilities and fight for their faith and our country. I really like the premise of this book because I’m a homeschool parent with very similar views as the author. I’m hoping to have as many children as the Lord will bless us with and want them to be strong and mature in their faiths and involved in their communities. I’m also just young enough that I have often been included in prayers and encouragement for the upcoming younger generation myself, so I read this with a view as to both how it encouraged me as well as how well it would encourage my favorite teenagers.

It’s certainly not a terrible book–Boyer does include a lot of great information, and parts of it, I thought, were really good. I especially liked some of the practical things he suggests regarding how we can take action today. But overall, it seems to be written more for the homeschooling parent than the youth. I didn’t find it fun, inspiring, or motivating, and in many places I found the tone a bit negative. Was it necessary, for instance, to specifically call out Maya Angelou as a bad poet? Or is it necessary to talk so negatively about the public school system (I went to public school and am choosing to homeschool because of my experience, but still…)? It’s one thing to acknowledge how our governmental system has gone wrong, but I felt the book went overboard in focusing on the bad and the ugly versus the positive, God-centered vision of how society should function with the right involvement.

Had I been a non-believer (or even a new believer or public school advocate) who accidentally picked up this book, I would immediately have a strong negative misconception about the Christian homeschooling movement. In fact, my mom (a strong Christian who works in the public school system) started reading this when she was visiting and was so turned off by it, she didn’t make it very far. So many of the constant, small negative statements just weren’t necessary toward the whole of the book’s message and should have been edited out. I just don’t think the execution of this book was as positive as it could have been–perhaps the author is much more effective as a public speaker.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Group.
