Genre: Juvenile Fiction/Action & Adventure/Apocalyptic
Series: Book Two of the Swipe Series
This is the second book in the Swipe Series, which is loosely based on a “mark of the beast” end time scenario set just a few generations into the future. Logan Langly has escaped getting the Mark and is on the run–searching for the prison where his sister is being held after disappearing five years earlier. The world Angler presents is both futuristic and believable, which captivated me from the beginning and held my attention through the end.
There is very little direct mention of Christianity and Christian themes, but the story line encourages readers to consider related issues like the price of freedom and the importance of teamwork and unity when fighting for a cause. The fictitious events also creatively parallel the real events of Christian eschatology: the formation of the one world government, the facade of world peace, and, of course, the mark of the beast.
Angler’s writing is beautifully simple yet suspenseful, action-oriented, and deeply thought provoking–all while staying within the age-appropriate boundaries of juvenile fiction. I especially appreciate that it touches on such important and serious themes without the use of profane or disturbing imagery. I haven’t had the chance to read the first book in the series (and probably won’t since this one stood so well on its own), but I’ll be looking forward to the future Swipe Series additions and more from Evan Angler.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Thomas Nelson.