Some years ago, I began the tradition of choosing a word of the year–something I could reflect on or practice throughout the year. Last year, the word that came to me as I was praying was arise. I was immediately reminded of two verses: “arise my darling and come with me…” from the Song of Solomon, and “arise and shine for your light has come” from Isaiah 60. I considered that arise might be a call to intimacy with God through prayer or spiritual adventure; and certainly, my prayer life did deepen throughout the year, especially with some of the physical health struggles I faced that were complicated by my pregnancy. I had also considered that the word might be a physical description of the year, since I had just begun leading a small Bible study of women, and had also just started a business of sorts.
Toward the end of 2012, I felt a tangible shift both spiritually and physically. I fulfilled three of the personal assignments the Lord had given me, gave birth to a healthy son (child number two), started attending seminary, and, even beyond these, have experienced an interesting juxtaposition of the closing of one season, and the opening of a new one. In November, amidst these changes, the word arise began to take on new meaning for me, as I felt the Lord calling me to action–especially to face my life with boldness and vulnerability.
After prayerful consideration, my word for 2013 is engage. I am excited to explore what this will mean for me throughout the year. So far, I desire to engage more deeply in the friendships and relationships I have been building, to engage more purposefully with my family and with our congregation, and to be engaged with the many aspects of my life in spite of my frequent health challenges.
Does anyone else have a word or resolution for the year that they would like to share?