Genre: Israel/Eschatology/Evangelism
This is an invaluable overview of the history of the Jewish people, and Israel’s place in Scripture and within the last days. But since “end times” has certain connotations, let me begin by listing some of the things which this book is not:
- It is not an analysis on the timing of the Rapture, nor those details surrounding this event.
- It is not a guideline to the chronology of eschatological events.
- It is not an examination the antichrist.
- It does not provide commentary on the common end time mysteries such as “the mark of the beast” or “the 144,000.”
- It is not an exposition of the Messianic prophecies.
- It does not go into detail regarding the current scenario in the Middle East.
Instead of these more usual eschatological focuses, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis breaks down the gospel message beginning in Genesis to show how Israel and the Jewish people are central to God’s end time plans. He explains why Satan hates the Jewish people, and gives insight into the persecutions of the Jews and the miracle of Israel’s survival. He emphasizes evangelism to the Jews from multiple angles, rightly demonstrating how Jewish evangelism and eschatology are interconnected. He explores some of the lesser known signs that the last days are near. Finally, he advises how believers can usher in the Kingdom of God by supporting, praying for, and evangelizing to the worldwide Jewish community.
Bernis’ insights on Israel are excellently and accessibly presented for those believers who are unfamiliar with the Messianic Jewish community and the Jewish roots of the Scriptures, and also for those Jews who have not heard the gospel message that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah. Those who are well read and accustomed to the Jewish-central gospel may not find as many new insights as the book gives only a broad overview rather than going into much depth.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Chosen Books.