Genre: Suspense/Drama
After ten years in prison for a murder she did not commit, Allie is determined to get her life back: reconnect with her daughter and family, find a job, and prove her innocence. Written from multiple perspectives, and interspersed with past memories and present events, the characters’ insights creates a mystery and suspense that builds up for an intriguing story (even if the twists are expected).
This book provides an honest, and slightly dark, look into troubling circumstances, so there is “adult material” (sex, violence, murder) even though it is produced by a Christian publishing company. There are also no direct themes of faith.
Even so, I enjoyed reading this. The characters are raw and interesting. And the story had just enough suspense to hold my attention, while touching on deep themes. I found myself thinking about forgiveness, jealousy, how to reconcile complex relationships, and the process of finding closure and moving forward.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson.