Review of The Kremlin Conspiracy by Joel Rosenberg


Genre: Fiction/Suspense

Series: Book One

Highly Recommended.

If you’re looking for a suspenseful political thriller, this is an excellent choice. It is similar in style to Rosenberg’s other novels, including its fast pace, realistic political feel, and cliffhanger ending. I’m already anticipating the next installment of these characters!

The plot depicts desperate political unrest, as the Russian president deceptively plans an invasion, while displaying a peaceful front. The story is written primarily through the eyes of two men: US patriot Marcus Ryker, and Russian son-in-law and senior aide to the president, Oleg Kraskin. Each are sympathetic characters, who want to prevent unnecessary war. Their backstories and the historical-political atmosphere are set up before the main conflict of the narrative fully comes into action; but while the story is written in several parts, it moves quickly, with high suspense from beginning to end.

One of my favorite aspects of Rosenberg’s books is his understanding of history and politics, which often parallel real events, motivating me to research the actual situations–in this case the history and political atmosphere of Russia. The depth and insight hidden within the story heightens the stakes, making the already exciting suspense even better!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale.




Review of The Spiritual Gifts Handbook: Using Your Gifts to Build the Kingdom by Randy Clark and Mary Healy


Genre: Spiritual Growth/Charismatic Interest


Leading charismatic ministers Randy Clark (Protestant) and Mary Healy (Catholic) co-write this book to reveal the unity of the Spirit and charismatic experiences within these distinct ecumenical traditions. Their shared desire for the activation of the Body of Christ in the Spirit is beautiful, and their unique yet harmonizing perspectives are inspiring and informative.

I expected this might cover the range of spiritual gifts (i.e. the five-fold ministry gifts, motivational gifts, and manifestations of the Spirit). However, the focus is on the manifestations of the Spirit (charisms), primarily from 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and also mentioned in other verses. On these spiritual gifts, this is a solid introduction, beginning with a foundation of the theologies of salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and of the Spirit’s movement in Scripture, and church history, through the most recent spiritual revivals. The historical details were most inspiring to me as it was edifying to hear stories of the Spirit’s manifest power throughout the Church.

The authors also provide focused attention to the manifestation gifts, grouped by the revelation gifts (word of wisdom, word of knowledge, and discernment of spirits), power gifts (faith, healing, miracles), and gifts of speech (prophecy, tongues, and interpretation). Clark and Healy each share engaging stories to illustrate these gifts in practical use, and provide supporting scriptures of similar biblical experiences.

Overall, I was hoping the book would be a bit more thorough with the whole of spiritual gifts, and how they work together–and also that it would provide more depth and practical attention for those already working in the charismatic gifts. However, I also really enjoyed the unique dialog of Protestant and Catholic perspectives and the many personal stories, and would recommend this resource to those beginning to explore the charismatic spiritual gifts, or those looking for encouragement and activation in this area.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Chosen.


Review of Judah’s Wife by Angela Hunt


Genre: Historical Fiction

Series: The Silent Years: A Novel of the Maccabees

Not Recommended.

The silent years is one of my favorite parts of history, and this novel is well researched and descriptive, but didn’t come together for me overall. While I enjoyed the historical details, the narrative was slow and felt unfocused. I struggled to finish reading it (although I’m glad I did as the end was much better than if I were to have stopped half way through).

The story is told from the alternating perspectives of Judah Maccabaeus and his (fictitious) wife Leah. Leah’s character is the best developed as she undergoes some interesting shifts, particularly toward the end of the novel. However, Leah’s story and the historic battles felt like competing rather than compatible plot lines. The awkward rhythm of dueling climaxes and resolutions left me disoriented and wanting more cohesiveness between the physical and emotional levels. Meanwhile, Judah lacked the complexity required of his experience. I also wanted a better flow between the light romance of the story (at the beginning) and the seriousness of the grave political climate. Much more could have been developed within this historical setting; but the story came off flat as the emotional plot did not align with the many physical twists and turns. I have enjoyed many of Angela Hunt’s other novels, but did not care for this one.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House.


Review of The World’s Story 1: The Ancients (Student Book) by Angela O’Dell


Genre: Ancient History Curriculum/Christian Worldview

Highly Recommended!

I love everything about this curriculum. The student book is filled with photos, illustrations, and maps that are as stunning as they are helpful and informative. The lessons are engaging, without being overwhelming. And the material of the Student Book is written in an accessible narrative form that could easily be used with multiple age groups or a full-family study. I also love the narration breaks and connection points within the text, which provide helpful markers for the parent-teacher (or independently working student) to pause and reflect before moving onward.

While many textbooks covering ancient civilization include a focus on mythology, this one is awesomely biblical-centric. It more-or-less follows the biblical timeline from Creation through the Roman Empire, with an emphasis on the Hebrew people and their neighbors (Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, and others in between). I love the addition of apologetics and archaeology, and the emphasis on a relational/Hebraic worldview of Scripture. Every chapter goes back to Scripture in some way–even ancient cultures that are not directly tied to biblical accounts (like China, the Celts, and tribes in the Americas) have a mission-focus, and/or demonstrate humanity’s need for God in a direct manner. I really appreciate this perspective, and the way faith and Scripture are woven throughout the lessons.

My kids are going to have so much fun with this. I can’t wait for volumes 2 and 3 to be released!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Master Books.


PS: Those interested in using this as a homeschool curriculum should consider purchasing with the corresponding Teacher’s Guide, which includes a suggested 180 day schedule, assignments (aimed at 5th-8th grade), and supplementary ideas.

You don’t have to homeschool to enjoy this! Read the Student Guide alone as an engaging devotional resource on ancient history from a biblical perspective.

Explore Master Books website here.


Review of Teach Them Diligently by Leslie Nunnery


Genre: Christian Parenting/Discipleship

Loosely Recommended.

Written in concise, encouraging chapters for the busy parent, Leslie Nunnery uses the illustration of Moses’ exhortation to Israel in Deuteronomy 6:1-8 to encourage parents in discipling their children in the ways of God. This passage expresses the transference of faith within everyday events, as parents continuously model and speak about the glory of God within the household, through symbols, actions, holiday observance, and intentional discipleship.

This resource begins slowly–first only hinting at the significance of the passage–then eventually bringing out some practical ways of discipleship (e.g. being vulnerable with your children, making space for two-way conversation, sharing your own stories of God’s goodness, and so forth). Many parents will be motivated and refreshed by the call to raise up their children, and encouraged by the practical examples.

However, Nunnery barely touches the surface of this significant passage, which is at the heart of both Judaism and the New Testament. Moses is reminding Israel of God’s heart and law, as was received on Mt. Sinai (celebrated as Shavuot–the receiving of Torah). The beginning of Acts opens to a parallel passage as the followers of Jesus gather in Jerusalem for Shavuot (known to Christians as Pentecost), to receive the Holy Spirit. It is the marriage of the Word and Spirit together that allows us to be fully activated in faith, in personal relationship with God, in the ability to love fully, to bear each other’s burdens, to forgive, and to walk worthy of our callings in Christ. I think this resource would be even stronger if parents were encouraged in the Scriptural foundation of the Holy Spirit, which is a needed aspect of drawing together as a family (in fact, unity within the Body was one of the primary signs of the nascent church!). If we want to fully disciple our children, both teaching the Word and living in the Spirit are vital, and there are so many stories and practical applications on both sides of this picture that could be expounded upon!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Master Books.


Review of The Masterpiece by Francine Rivers


Genre: Contemporary Romance


Roman Velasco is a wealthy Los Angeles artist by day, tagging graffiti on buildings at night as as a way to deal with his childhood trauma. Grace Moore is a single mother and Christian, struggling with the horrifying memories of her past, and the mistakes and challenges of her present situation. Similar themes of abandonment and loss run through their childhoods, yet each has responded with different protective coping mechanisms. They must each learn how to spiritually heal from the memories that haunt them, to let go of their protective walls, and to discover themselves anew in Christ and community.

I have read many of Francine Rivers’ books, and while this one is not my very favorite, there were many elements within the narrative that moved my heart. I read it quickly, compelled by the well developed characters, realistic storyline, and slightly predictable “feel-good” romance of wanting everything to come together as it should. There is a lot of depth to the characters’ experiences, and reactive habits in dealing with old wounds; and much wisdom within the challenging process of healing.

There is more “churchiness” in this novel compared to Francine Rivers’ other books (not just in talking about God, but in actually attending church). I enjoyed this as it gave an interesting perspective of the contemporary American mega-church and/or post-denominational church cultural trend, and what that looks like to an unbeliever.

Overall, this is an enjoyable and thoughtful novel.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale.


Review of Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Ask by Israel Wayne


Genre: Homeschooling/Christian Life


This is a great resource for Christian families considering homeschooling, who are unsure about certain aspects or capability, as well as for those actively homeschooling who don’t know how to respond to critical comments. It is written in a conversational manner, and includes references to other beneficial resources for new homeschool families.

I appreciated learning the history of homeschooling, and the great risks of many homeschool pioneers in gaining this freedom. This foundation was a great way to begin the book, as it left me with a deeper awareness and gratitude of this privilege.

I am also especially impacted by Israel Wayne’s commentary on socialization, which comes up frequently in my own experience. He lays a persuasive biblical foundation of the quality of companionship within the social experience, and the necessity of having proper relationships in place for learning to be possible. The argument of being “salt and light” in the world (public/private schools) is similarly addressed in a compelling manner.

Some sections caused me to think differently about certain aspects of homeschooling (e.g. whether or not to accept government funding–I hadn’t considered some of the negative implications). Other areas were less relevant to me (e.g. I’m not concerned about my teaching/academic capability, although many readers may find this very encouraging; and my husband and I have a system in place regarding our educational roles, which is different from the author’s suggestion, but works for us personally).

Overall, I was surprised by the helpfulness of this resource in addressing issues I would not have considered to ask, and providing new information interwoven with spiritual encouragement and a biblical precedent for homeschooling. I am more inspired than ever by our commitment to this form of schooling, and found the book freshly edifying.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Master Books.



Review of The Delusion: We All Have Our Demons by Laura Gallier


Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Fantasy/YA

Series: The Delusion, Book 1

Highly Recommended!

This novel is a powerful illustration of spiritual warfare, with a simultaneously engaging story.

Suicide has become an epidemic at Masonville High School. High school senior, Owen Edmonds has a strange encounter that allows him to see creepy creatures preying on his friends and family–binding them with shackles and chains, and manipulating their thoughts. Warning people about the unseen evil he sees makes things worse. Owen also encounters a girl who is different. While everyone else is in bondage, she is glowing. What does she have that the others are missing? And why aren’t the angelic beings that Owen also sees not always able to intervene? Owen searches for truth, while also becoming more engaged in the mystery and physical obstacles that surround him, and the impending threat which darkness is planning for his high school.

This is one of the best YA novels I’ve read. It addresses relevant struggles, while illuminating the very real spiritual battle behind the physical experience of depression and other negative thought patterns. There is freedom in knowing what we are fighting against, and receiving the truth in Jesus that brings life.

The writing is aimed at middle and high school students, and are books I would like my own kids to read. My only critique is that the end comes pretty abruptly, with much more to be addressed. I look forward to the other books in the series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale.



Review of Egypt’s Sister by Angela Hunt


Genre: Historical Fiction

Series: The Silent Years

Highly Recommended!

In Alexandria, Egypt, Chava is a Jewish girl with a close relationship with the young Cleopatra, as her father is the royal tutor for the Ptolemy household. Believing God has destined her to be a blessing to Cleopatra when she becomes queen, Chava chooses not to marry, and seeks to serve Cleopatra at every possibility. However, this choice is more challenging than Chava could have anticipated, as Chava must choose between her faith and her position.

Angela Hunt is one of my favorite writers for Christian historical fiction. The historical details are smartly woven into the narrative, providing vivid insight into the worlds of Egypt and Rome, alongside an adventurous and heart-felt story of friendship, loyalty, godliness, and forgiveness.

This is not so much a story of Cleopatra, as it is of Chava’s sacrificial love for her friend. I love the depth of Chava’s character, and her determination to choose the difficult path of following God, rather than the comfort of marriage. While Chava’s life unravels very differently than she anticipates, God’s promises to her are met in surprising ways. The honesty of the story is encouraging, and well worth the read!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House.


Review of The Character Builder’s Bible: 60 Character-Building Stories from the Bible by Agnes and Salem de Bezenac


Genre: Children’s Story Bible


Our family has several favorite children’s Bibles that we rotate through, and this is the one my kids are currently most excited about. The illustrations are perfect for young children, and the stories are simple enough that my seven-year-old can easily read them, and the perfect length to keep my five-year old’s attention.

Each Bible story is connected to a positive attribute (diligence, honesty, service, praise) or theme (peer pressure, salvation, Easter, Holy Spirit). The first two-page spread of each story includes a full-page illustration and concise biblical narrative, and the following two-pages provide the definition of the character trait or theme and a comic-style layout showing how the theme is relevant to children in daily life.

For instance, the story of Samuel hearing God’s voice is connected with “attentiveness,” with the everyday life illustration showing how to set aside quiet devotional time to hear God. The story of the friends carrying the paralyzed man to receive healing from Jesus emphasizes “friendship,” with the real life illustration portraying four examples of healthy friendship. And the story of Zacchaeus demonstrates an example of repentance: feeling sorry, asking for forgiveness, attempting to make it right, not repeating the wrong.

Some of the stories could be better connected with their theme, but have nevertheless provided opportunities for family discussion. Also, the emphasis of this book is on character-building through Bible stories, so this is probably not the best “Bible” for readers desiring a cohesive narrative of Scripture. Although there is a strong evangelical focus, with the basic details of the Gospel message presented in impressive directness and simplicity.

I most love the discussions that have come out of this book, especially of the various character traits. I also appreciate how it introduces new vocabulary, and enjoy that 43% of the stories (26 out of 60) come from the New Testament, as our family tends to spend more time in the Hebrew Bible.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale Kids.

