Genre: Biography & Autobiography
Thunder Dog is the true account of a blind man and his guide dog as they escape the 78th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Inspired by the calm and collectiveness of his dog, Michael was able to keep his focus and emotions in tact as they make the long descend to freedom.
This isn’t just a story of September 11. Intermixed within the main story, the author shares his experience growing up blind. It’s also the story of the bond and trust between him and his guide dog, Roselle. Their story of teamwork and trust is an inspiring glimpse of the spiritual bond Christian’s have (or should have) with God.
Reading this account helped me emotionally connect to the events of 9/11 in a way I previously hadn’t. I’m typically pretty rational, and tend to focus on the big picture. Michael brings us inside his story to feel with him and others as they braved this huge tragedy. Most touching to me was how Michael describes meeting the courageous firefighters as they ran up the stairs toward impending destruction. This is a touching and encouraging story.
I received a complimentary copy of this book as a part of the Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogging Program through