Review of Fearless Daughters of the Bible by J. Lee Grady


Genre: Christian Life/Personal Growth/Gender Studies

Highly Recommended!

Fearless Daughters of the Bible edifies Christian woman to boldness in the Lord through biblical stories integrated with examples from history and personal commentary. Each chapter focuses on a woman from the Bible who had courage in a particular area; for instance: “The Five Daughters of Zelophehad: The Courage to Challenge Tradition,” “Hannah, the Mother of Samuel: The Courage to Believe God,” or “Priscilla, Spiritual Daughter of the Apostle Paul: The Courage to Mentor Others.” The chapters cover a great variety of women and circumstances–some widely known, like Mary, the mother of Jesus, and some lesser known, like Achsah, Daughter of Caleb. There are also questions and a personal message at the end of each chapter, making this an ideal book for an independent or group devotional study.

My favorite chapter was on the Samaritan woman whom Jesus met at the well. I have heard commentary on this story so many times, and yet Grady shared details of the event that I had never considered. I had never realized, for instance, that the well was on the same land where Dinah was raped. I have been learning lately about the deep importance (and spiritual ramifications) of location; so, these details about the land of Samaria added so much to the otherwise familiar account. It also caught my attention that, unless her encounter with Jesus had caused a very visible and distinctive change, this women–who had experienced so much rejection–would never have been believed by so many in her city. And yet, the scriptures show the woman at the well as a successful evangelist, bringing salvation to many by sharing her encounter with the Lord (John 4:39-42).

As cliche as it may be to say: every Christian woman could benefit from this book! It is encouraging, insightful, and lovingly written by a man who greatly desires to edify women in their personal callings. For more information about the author, check out his ministry: The Mordecai Project.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Chosen.


Review of Bible Detective by Peter Martin illus. Peter Kent


Genre: Children’s Book/Puzzle Book


Bible Detective is a Bible puzzle book, similar in style to the Where’s Waldo? books that were very popular when I was a kid. Each double page view shows a time period in biblical history from Noah (Gen 6-9) to the port of Caesarea (Acts 21-28). The illustrations are compact, with lots of details, but are also clear enough to see without straining (some of those Where’s Waldo? pictures were pretty intense). This book shouldn’t give anyone a headache, but does provide a good challenge. There are multiple images to find on each page (23-65 objects depending on the scene), with answers in the back for those who get stuck. Most of the images to find demonstrate a historical or biblical message (e.g. find two children who are separated from their parents during the Assyrian attack, or, find Jesus turning the tables in the Temple courtyard). There is also a “wily fox” to find in every scene.

I was also very impressed with the blurbs of text on each scene: they are concise, teachable, descriptions of the historical and biblical context of each picture. I really think children or teens could learn something while reading this; and, of course, the pictures are fun to find too.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications.


Review of Rules of Engagement by Derek Prince (Updated and Expanded Edition)


Genre: Spiritual Warfare/Spiritual Growth

Highly Recommended!

Firstly, Derek Prince is just excellent! I have been hearing for some time that I need to familiarize myself with his resources and I am so glad I finally did. I wish he was still around (he passed in 2003), but am amazed at how large and thriving his ministry still is!

Rules of Engagement centers on building the character of a warrior, embracing the Holy Spirit, and understanding the basics of the supernatural realm so that we can be successful in spiritual warfare. Each chapter is short, thought provoking, and set up perfectly for a personal devotion or group discussion with post chapter questions, a memory verse, and a prayer. This is not the kind of book that can be rushed through, but one that should be studied and considered one subject at a time. I’ve gleaned so much from it, specifically regarding spiritual authority and endurance, though he touches on so many topics with excellence.

Also, whereas some spiritual warfare resources focus almost exclusively on parts of the battle (deliverance ministry, or casting out demons, or specific battles with health, finances, or so on), Rules of Engagement focuses on preparing for and understanding our role in the battle, which is why I think it is so valuable. I think every Christian could benefit from this compilation of Prince’s insight.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Chosen.


Review of Sneak by Evan Angler


Genre: Juvenile Fiction/Action & Adventure/Apocalyptic

Series: Book Two of the Swipe Series


This is the second book in the Swipe Series, which is loosely based on a “mark of the beast” end time scenario set just a few generations into the future. Logan Langly has escaped getting the Mark and is on the run–searching for the prison where his sister is being held after disappearing five years earlier. The world Angler presents is both futuristic and believable, which captivated me from the beginning and held my attention through the end.

There is very little direct mention of Christianity and Christian themes, but the story line encourages readers to consider related issues like the price of freedom and the importance of teamwork and unity when fighting for a cause. The fictitious events also creatively parallel the real events of Christian eschatology: the formation of the one world government, the facade of world peace, and, of course, the mark of the beast.

Angler’s writing is beautifully simple yet suspenseful, action-oriented, and deeply thought provoking–all while staying within the age-appropriate boundaries of juvenile fiction. I especially appreciate that it touches on such important and serious themes without the use of profane or disturbing imagery. I haven’t had the chance to read the first book in the series (and probably won’t since this one stood so well on its own), but I’ll be looking forward to the future Swipe Series additions and more from Evan Angler.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Thomas Nelson.


Review of Love in Disguise by Carol Cox


Genre: Historical Fiction


Love in Disguise is an excellent book for a lazy day of reading. It’s lighthearted with elements of mystery and romance, and is set in the charming time period of the late 1800s in a small Arizona mining community.

Unlikely heroine, Ellie Moore, becomes desperate after unexpectedly losing her job and pretends to be an older wealthier woman in order to be hired as a private detective. Although she has no undercover experience and little confidence, she creatively uses her skills in order to impress her new employer and solve the mystery of the silver thieves. But while working to undercover the mystery at hand, she also uncovers many facets of her own identity and learns to embrace her God-given identity.

This is a sweet book, with fun characters, a good amount of mystery, creative plot twists, and just enough depth. Readers who enjoy Christian fiction will find it delightful and refreshing.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House.


Review of Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown by Eric Blehm


Genre: Biography/Inspirational

Highly Recommended!

Fearless is my new favorite biography. Navy SEAL Operator Adam Brown was a fascinating and inspiring person and Blehm’s writing captivates Adam’s story thoroughly and excellently. I was quickly caught up into the details and struggles of Adam’s early life, and inspired and awed by his motivation, boldness, and extreme love for God and life in his later years. Adam Brown’s progression of faith and his testimony in Jesus Christ is, in fact, a large part of his story and one of the aspects I deeply connected with.

I also enjoyed the glance into the inner workings of the Navy SEALs and was surprised by how much the author was able to publicly share regarding various missions and SEAL life. I’ve never been a part of a military community or given much thought into military life, and I felt that this book helped me to consider that part of my country in a deeper way.

This is a very action oriented story with a good amount of humor, but also a very emotional one–and I’m not a terribly emotional reader. I found that although I was prepared for Adam’s heroic death to be described at some point within the book, I couldn’t help but sob when the events unfolded. It’s a touching biography and will especially be appreciated within the Christian community.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from WaterBrook Multnomah.


Review of Implosion by Joel C. Rosenberg


Genre: Christian Life/Politics


Implosion is a timely call to examine the current social, economic, and spiritual conditions of the United States, especially in the context of end time biblical prophecy, and to take action through prayer and personal revival. I’m often turned off by political books, but found this one to be clearly and respectfully written, with a balanced presentation of the facts at hand–especially in regard to the nation’s political and economic situation.

Rosenberg first presents both optimistic and pessimistic perspectives of where our nation stands (based largely on the statements of politicians from both major parties, economic advisers, and the media), then compares both scenarios to scripture to analyze whether or not the United States is mentioned as a key component in end time prophecy, and the implications of these findings. He also presents some of the basics of eschatology from a premillennial pre-tribulation perspective, spending thorough energy on the signs of the times and a chapter on the rapture. I do not agree with the pre-tribulation/silent rapture scenario, but it is the majority view of the church, and it did not prevent me from engaging with some of the other details of the book.

The second half of the book focuses on the First and Second Great Awakenings in order that the patterns of history may give us clues to whether the U.S. may experience a Third Great Awakening, and what, if anything, we can do to usher in that revival. I’ve studied a lot of church/revival history and appreciated Rosenberg’s outline of a few most noted revivalists. It especially caught my attention that the Wesley brothers were not born again until a certain point within their ministries, and that as soon as they personally received salvation on a heart level their ministries supernaturally expanded. Rosenberg makes a good case that revival of our hearts and spirits individually is necessary before the revival and transforming of a people group or nation, and his examples and exhortations are encouraging along those lines.

This is a book that can stir hearts to see the dire position we are in as a country and to have hope in God that if we individually start changing our personal spiritual atmospheres, it may just be enough to impact our communities and nation.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through theĀ Tyndale Blog Network.


Review of The Jesus Scandals by David Instone-Brewer


Genre: History/Apologetics


The Jesus Scandals focuses on the scandals surrounding Jesus as a way to validate and better understand Jesus and the gospel accounts. Since the Bible was written by Jesus’ loyal followers, any negative or shocking events, teachings, or actions in scripture involving Jesus should reveal and confirm Jesus’ true opinions and actions that were widely known and, therefore, not something the disciples could easily cover up. About 30 scandalous topics are discussed varying from Jesus’ associations with particular uncouth people, to rumors that He was an alcoholic, to His teachings about Hell, and everything in between.

The book is split into three sections: scandals in Jesus’ life, scandals among Jesus’ friends, and scandals in Jesus’ teaching. Each chapter (scandal) is just a few pages long and can be read independently from the others making this an ideal book for a personal devotional study or a group Bible study.

While the author does have clear opinions throughout the book, I enjoyed that the text included room for personal thought and research. I was able to stay engaged and interested in each topic even in the few cases where my own perspectives did not quite match the bias of the author. In fact, it’s written in a way that even a mixed-faith discussion group could easily use each chapter to delve into friendly discussions or debates.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications.


Review of Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore


Genre: Juvenile Fiction/Fantasy

Not Recommended.

I wish I could recommend this book because I’m a big fan of supernaturally oriented Christian fiction. But there were a couple theological issues in the story that bothered me: 1) the Christian characters had no power against the demonic realm and were frequently abused or tormented by the demons, and 2) the Christian characters had to keep their supernatural gifts a secret (especially from the demonic realm, lest their gifts be stolen and used for evil). Since this is juvenile fiction, I feel these are especially big issues. I want my own kids to know and see that they have power in Jesus against the demonic realm. And, though we shouldn’t flaunt our supernatural gifts for our own benefit, we should be actively using them to encourage other Christians and to evangelize to the world. We need more juvenile fiction that demonstrates the supernatural realm through a biblical perspective, and this was so close (the spiritual battle is described well, as is the spiritually tangible fear, and the metaphor of the power-giving halo), but it fell short.

I also found Dittemore’s use of the first person present tense really awkward and distracting. This is a much smaller issue, but it did prevent me from melting into the story.

Despite these setbacks, I did enjoy the characters and overall story. The heroine, Brielle, is a dancer who is dealing with the loss of a good friend, and I felt her struggle with why God allows suffering was presented very well. I also enjoyed the interaction between the humans and angels/demons and the balance of action and dialog. Dittemore is a creative storyteller with an excellent handle on human emotion–and I can tell she has a strong faith. I pray her future books will also have a more accurate handle on supernatural theology.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Thomas Nelson.


Review of Healing Unplugged by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark


Genre: Spiritual Growth/Christian Living/Inspirational

Highly Recommended!

This may be the most helpful book I’ve read on healing. Pastors Bill Johnson and Randy Clark–two of the most influential leaders in healing ministry–interview each other on their personal experiences with healing and miracles.

There is no fluff in this book–they get right down to the good stuff, especially concentrating on:

  1. their backgrounds and calling into healing ministry,
  2. what they’ve learned in the area of healing and miracles,
  3. the breakthroughs they’ve experienced which have led to an increase in healing,
  4. how they’ve developed their gifts and sensitivities to the Holy Spirit, and
  5. the greatest healing and deliverance miracles they’ve experienced.

I found it so encouraging to hear the progression of growth both these men have faced. They are so humble and candid in describing their experiences–I laughed out loud many times and was constantly sharing their stories with my husband as I read. This is definitely a must read for those wanting to go deeper in healing ministry or to step into it for the first time.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Chosen Books.
