Yesterday was Ben and my second year anniversary!
On July 7th, 2007, we had a beautiful and joy-filled wedding and an exciting, adventurous honeymoon in the Bahamas and Florida. Then enter our first year of marriage…. What we didn’t share with people at the time was that our first year of marriage was very very rough.
Everything each of us brought to the marriage, spiritually speaking, seemed to multiply as soon as we became “one body” in marriage. I, especially, was very emotionally and mentally awry, and I became violent and difficult to live with–living with myself was particularly hard. It was at this time that I started seeing a secular psychologist and psychiatrist (again), and attempted to stabilize myself through medications, knowledge, positive thinking,… (again).
The change in our marriage occurred right about the one year mark. We had each been seeking the Lord with great fervor–not together, though we’ve always prayed together in the evenings, but independently. And I’d been going through a deliverance ministry with a pastor who was physically pulling the spiritual forces of darkness out of my life a little at a time.
It wasn’t until we each became spiritually stable independently that our marriage fully reached a place of not just comfortableness but intimacy. And that intimacy keeps growing on a regular basis, and is especially wonderful when our connectivity with God is high.
We can now testify that a marriage anchored in God is very rewarding! We hold each other accountable to walk worthy of our callings by staying in the Spirit. And when there’s a problem, we are able to quickly identify that it’s us and the Lord against the enemy–never Ben against me or me against him. When we approach marriage from the standpoint that we’re always on the same team, with the Lord as our coach, there is no problem that can’t be defeated. The Lord Himself can always bring perfect peace, joy, and love to a marriage.