I highly recommend The Bondage Breaker; it is one of the only books I buy in ‘bulk’.
Jesus promised that if we continually read His Word (the Bible), we will become His disciples, we will know the truth, and the truth will make us free (John 8:31-32)! But it can be really hard to press in to the Lord and hold on to the truth–especially when we are tormented by negative thoughts, nightmares, addictions, depression, and so on.
This is probably the BEST book on how to achieve complete freedom in Christ. It is so dense in scripture and spiritual truths that it can be read over and over again.
It exposes the spiritual battle going on behind every psychological disorder, addiction, negative thought, et cetera, and teaches Christians how to fight and win those battles through Jesus. As a spiritual counselor and University professor, Anderson came alongside many people in deep bondage and recalls their stories, battles, and successes. He also outlines a concise guide to personal freedom based on the structure used in his own deliverance ministry, and includes a Biblical list of how to intercede for the possessed and tormented.
Whether you are in bondage yourself, or just desire to help others find freedom from the only one who can give it completely, this book will be a powerful aid.